
To ensure that companies and CSR initiatives include a community-based approach to getting children out of work and into formal quality education in their policies and practices – one which is subsequently promoted and strengthened by governments, policymakers and (inter)national organizations.


Asia and Africa


There is still a way to go before we effectively rid supply chains of child labour and ensure that children working in these supply chains are guided from work to education. Measures taken by the private sector to this end have unfortunately often just shifted child labour to other parts of supply chains or other sectors and regions. We have also seen that supply chain actors often hide (risks of) child labour and are reluctant to cooperate in areas of traceability and transparency. Building trust and convincing them to partner with us takes time, but is now bearing fruit, which means we must continue in this direction to realize the results we started out to achieve.


Stop Child Labour (SCL) is an international coalition working with organizations in Asia, Africa and Latin America that share its aim and promote child labour free zones where inhabitants agree to eliminate child labour together. It convinces businesses and CSR initiatives of the need to eliminate child labour and, where possible, collaborates with them. SCL’s innovative ‘Getting down to Business’ program combines efforts from both sides: top down (certifying and verifying supply chain actors) as well as bottom up (creating area-based child labour free zones). SCL believes that this combined approach can be a sustainable solution to help eradicate all forms of child labour and create and maintain responsible business practices.

For results, donors and budget, please see our program information on Stop Child Labour.